- native approach, using the attribute selection classes directly
- using a meta-classifier
- the filter approach
For example :-
You have a data set, the column in data set are :
- name
- age
- smoking
- heart rate
- no. tel
After using Attribute Selector Classifier to the data, it will reduce the attribute to :
- age
- smoking
- heart rate
Practical Session :
Open your weka, and load any data. Or you can try download data from here.
After that go to classify tab.
Then click button Choose -> meta -> AttributeSelectedClassifier
You can change the method, for example I choose Linear Regression.
Just click OK, then choose any Test Options, I choose Percentage split, by 70% for training set, 30% for testing.
Thank you.
Source : https://weka.wikispaces.com/Performing+attribute+selection