Feature Store - Do we really need this?

Long time no update in this blog. I guess maybe I have to start updating in this blog as I can refer it in the future. So right now, I have been given a task related to Feature Store and I promise you this is one of the process that we need the most! You can view Uber’s Michaelangelo architectures is depicted as follows:

Credit: https://medium.com/intuitionmachine/google-and-ubers-best-practices-for-deep-learning-58488a8899b6

It is a one step process after Data Preparation and before Modeling (it is predictive modeling not the other modeling ;)). From my understanding, Feature Store is focusing on storing the features that you use in your model. For instance, you build a model for a recommendation system, the features used in that model will be stored in the Feature Store.

What's the point of storing this features?

- To keep track what are the features you use?
- Which model use this features?
- Which project use this features?
- Which features always produce higher accuracy?
- Help your teammates share their features too!

Right now, I am still building the Feature Store myself using Python and store it into a database.

You can read here to know more how it is used in big tech company (Uber).

 Thank you for reading my post. :) Why not you spare some time watch this music video. Hmm feeling nostalgic right?

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